Showing posts with label pink. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pink. Show all posts

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Dinosaurs - regular green ones and the lesser spotted pink!

I'm getting better with my pens - this is a digi-stamp called Eric dino from digi-stamp boutique. I've coloured him in green, with purply  (probably no such word as purply) brown spots.
And here he is in a more lime green incarnation.
This must be Erica - I think she looks cute in pink and purple - who says dinosaurs can't be girly??

Thursday, 20 October 2011

I like sewing cupcakes more than baking them!!

The cupcake image is just so sweet and easy to make, and I love it in this red, pink and white colourway. Good enough to eat - except the buttons might stick in your teeth!

It's Handmade Thursday today; why not take a look at some more lovely crafty stuff at

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

tea cup on canvas

More applique, this time one of my favourite things - a cup of tea :)
More fabric upcycled from my blouse, with some lovely linen cut from a man's shirt.
Very pretty and subtle, which is not generally how my work turns out!

I now have an etsy shop just here which is still rather amateur. It's still a work in progress though - I think I need a selection of interesting pieces of driftwood to photograph my items with!!

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Home Sweet Home; part two - the kitchen.

Come into my kitchen, where yummy things are made!
I spend loads of time in here (baking cakes, making dinner, swearing when things fall out of the cupboards onto my head) so I decided to paint it my favourite colour - pink!! I can't say my husband was overly keen, but he only really comes in to put the kettle on occasionally.
The very hardworking kettle lives in this corner.
Oh, how I dream of a perfectly co-ordinated kitchen where all the mugs match!
 Oh, look!
There's a lovely fresh-baked loaf.
I blogged about my love of baking bread before.

And last, but definitely not least, is the end bit where the washing machine and tumble dryer live. I love all that fifties housewife imagery but I love my modern labour saving appliances more.
One more thing to show you in the kitchen is the sweet shop.
It was made by my father-in-law; it has a real scales, paper bags and lots of yummy sweets.
The children often have a few as a treat after dinner. Sweets aren't banned in our house and the children are very sensible with their sweet shop stash.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Jammy icing

These cupcakes are decorated with glace icing mixed with a generous teaspoon of raspberry jam.
And they complement my pink kitchen!