Come into my kitchen, where yummy things are made!
I spend loads of time in here (baking cakes, making dinner, swearing when things fall out of the cupboards onto my head) so I decided to paint it my favourite colour - pink!! I can't say my husband was overly keen, but he only really comes in to put the kettle on occasionally.
The very hardworking kettle lives in this corner.
Oh, how I dream of a perfectly co-ordinated kitchen where all the mugs match!
Oh, look!
There's a lovely fresh-baked loaf.
And last, but definitely not least, is the end bit where the washing machine and tumble dryer live. I love all that fifties housewife imagery but I love my modern labour saving appliances more.
One more thing to show you in the kitchen is the sweet shop.
It was made by my father-in-law; it has a real scales, paper bags and lots of yummy sweets.
The children often have a few as a treat after dinner. Sweets aren't banned in our house and the children are very sensible with their sweet shop stash.