Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Currant buns

You will need 1 egg, 125ml milk, 50g butter, 40g sugar, 1/2 tsp mixed spice,1/2 tsp salt, 350g bread flour and 2 tsp yeast. Make into dough and  add 50g currants.

I let the breadmaker do this!
Make 8 balls and slightly flatten them. Anthony helped me with this.

Let them rise for 45 minutes then glaze them with a mixture of egg, milk and 1 tbsp sugar.

Nice and shiny, ready to bake at 200 deg C for 20 minutes.

Cool on a wire rack, then eat!


  1. They look sooo good. I didn't see sugar in the recipe (unless I missed it), do they taste a bit like tea-cakes? I think I will have to try this recipe!

  2. There's only 40g of sugar so they are only slightly sweet. I've just eaten one plain, but sure it will be nice toasted with butter too.

  3. I am drooling - must give these a go. x


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